Meet the Crew

We’re a full band, not a one-man show.
From planning to execution, we’ve got the team to get it done.

With a crew of seasoned professionals, unparalleled creative expertise, state-of-the-art equipment, a streamlined production process, and extensive experience across a variety of projects, you can rest assured that your video will be an unrivaled success.

…and yes, WeMOV may just own Australia’s longest couch!

Geoff Billingham / Senior Editor

Editor extraordinaire, Geoff’s years of experience have made him incredibly fast and insanely good at making you look good.

Paul Sutherland / Senior Editor

Paul creates stories. His wisdom, work ethic and joie de vivre serve as a constant source of inspiration to his fellow editors.

Lachlan Stamp / Camera Operator

As well as crafting images and shaping light, Stampy loves to go on long runs and complain about his sore legs.

Lizzie / Lunchroom Monitor

Although Lizzie likes to encourage a fun and playful atmosphere, she is an extremely diligent lunchroom monitor.

Alex Stojkovski / Motion Graphics

Sitting in a corner of the Animation room is Alex, one of our official cartoon-picture-moving people.

Harry Aronsten / Senior Editor

Besides editing epic videos and directing on-set, Harry is also WeMOV's computer doctor that keeps the machines fit and healthy.

Scott Berkin / Account Director

Scott's very-mild-superpower is being able to close his eyes at the exact moment a photo is being taken. His Kryptonite is being a North QLD Cowboys supporter!

Chris Leahy / Director of Photography QLD

Chris is known for his make-it-happen attitude and his love of animals and cameras. You'll find him filming, flying drones and living the sunny Queensland dream.

Jin Tommo / Camera Operator

If his head isn’t in a bowl of ramen after a busking session, it's being a shape shifter for WeMOV, put him anywhere.

Bella Sassone / Editor

Bella is a video editing superstar by day and a movie & TV show fangirl by night. By weekends, she is a die-hard Carlton supporter!

Carlos / Head of Staff Distraction

Enjoys chewing anything and strutting his stuff around Richmond.

Josh Drever / Managing Partner

Josh is the baldest person at WeMOV. His bald head is actually a solar panel for the ideas factory in his brain.

Tom Wilkinson / Camera Operator / Editor

Tom is a videographer with a passion for people and light. You’ll find him running marathons and playing the piano in his spare time.

Louis Haines / Motion Graphics

Louis helps your ideas come to life through animation. With a background in Graphic Design, he loves being creative.

Gus Kennedy / Director of Photography NSW

Gus films for WeMOV from Sydney's sunny northern beaches. He's known to wander with many cameras hanging off all available limb.

Rach Moors-Chantry / Head of Operations

Rach is smallest of the managers but loudest in office singing. She’s often found with bulldog, Carlos and a wine.

Chris Patchell / Drone Pilot

Chris captures things from the sky using the aerial perspective. He is known for talking a lot and smiling at everything.

Alex Matha / Camera Operator

When Alex isn’t holding a camera, his first true love, he’s either trying burger joints, rock climbing or pondering life.

Jess Gleeson / Business Support

Jess provides support on all things business, she helps keep WeMOV's back of the house in order. The brain's trust

Samuel Galloway / Camera Operator/Editor

Sam invests all of his time into filming, so he finds it hard to find the time to come up with an inspiring website quote.

Milo / Head of Sechewrity

Move over Cerberus, a new demon dog is in town. Despite a spicy exterior, he’s a actually a very sweet boi.
Sworn protector of James, even when it’s really not needed.

Sabine Fritsch / Camera Operator

Our very own Austrian Sabine loves a long day of shooting. If you're lucky you'll hear her yodel sometime.

Toni Wedderburn / Editor

Toni has an editor's eye for detail and a stomach that craves brownies and burgers. When Toni isn’t hunched over editing software, you can find her rewatching Game of Thrones for the 20th time.

Shivesh Ram / Camera Operator

When Shiv’s not behind the camera trying to get the perfect shot, you’ll find him pretending to be a ninja or climbing up the side of mountains.

Garth Stone / Managing Director & Founder

Garth has been with WeMOV since day one. His job involves schmoozing clients and making sure the good vibes are set to max.

Monroe / Head of Puplick Relations

Monroe is a show stopper who demands attention from all that enter a room. Marilyn who?

Ben Singleton / Editor

If you find Ben away from his beloved editing software, he’ll likely be backstage preparing to dazzle an audience with some improvised comedy! (Please laugh)

Dael Matyas / Motion Graphics

Dael makes cool things and moves them around on screen. He enjoys coffee, Street Fighter & talking movies with other animators.

Kali / Pawdio Engineer

What do you get when you cross a piece of fried chicken with a can of Red Bull. Kali, of course! She is the buzzing ball of energy that keeps the whole office on their toes.

Kevin / Fetch Analyst

Kevin is easy to get long with and always has a ball at work.

Ben Hudson / Head of Creative

When he's not navigating the creative seas, Ben can usually be seen piloting a drone above some oceanic expanse.

Anne-Marie D'Angelo / Junior Producer & Admin Assistant

When she’s not nerding over old films, dogs, or Hawthorn, Anne-Marie’s ready to respond to your emails and help around the office!

Elle Sutherland / Production Manager

Elle knows a few things about a lot of things. How to pronounce her name, not so much.

Sarah White / Producer / Account Manager

Sarah loves organising so much she thought she’d make a career out of it, out of the office you will find her grabbing a coffee, hiking or at the cinema!

James Birrell / Post-Production Manager

James is the most important person at WeMOV, and the most attractive. His dedication to handling client feedback is world-class.

Adam Groves / Director of Photography VIC

Adam’s job at WeMOV is to press the record button on the camera. He is recognised as the coolest employee at WeMOV.

Choose Australia’s Online Video Experts

At We Make Online Videos, we help you simplify the process. Our video production team of creatives, producers, writers, photographers, cinematographers, editors, and animation experts are ready to jump into action and manage your video production for you, from start to finish.

You get crisp, clean, engaging content, that tells your story and gets your business in front of the right eyeballs.

Say Hello!

We are always looking to expand our rockstar team

Are you an amazing editor, producer, creative, DOP, camera op, animator or mo graph expert?
Drop us a line…
